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Jurist Efrida Robbyantono

Founder & Trustee Board

Ir. Jurist Efrida Robbyantono, warga negara Indonesia. Berlatar belakang akademik Teknik Sipil Universitas Sebelas Maret. Selama hampir 30 tahun berkarir profesional dibidang bisnis properti, saat ini menjabat sebagai Chairman dari Pilar Corporation, sebuah grup perusahaan dengan berbagai  bidang usaha diantaranya pengembangan properti, jasa kontruksi dan property management.

Selain dalam bidang bisnis properti, ia juga aktif dalam  berbagai organisasi diantaranya sebagai Komisioner Badan  Wakaf Indonesia (BWI) selama 2 periode (2014-2020) sebagai Kepala Divisi Pengelolaan dan Pemberdayaan, kemudian sebagai Pengurus DPP Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (2017- sekarang) juga menjabat sebagai Kepala Bidang Real Estate dan Komersial pada Pimpinan Pusat Himpunan Pengembang Pemukiman dan Perumahan Rakyat (HIMPERRA).

Selain itu ia juga aktif pada sejumlah organisasi dakwah,  diantaranya sebagai Ketua Dewan Pembina Jaringan  Pengusaha Muslim Indonesia (JPMI) dan berbagai organisasi lainnya.

Ir. Jurist Efrida Robbyantono, Indonesian citizen. He has an  Academic background in Civil Engineering, Sebelas Maret  University. During nearly 30 years of professional career in  the property business, currently work as Chairman of Pilar Corporation, a group of companies with various business fields including property development, construction services and property management.

Apart from being in the property business, he is also active in various organizations including as Commissioner of the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) for 2 periods (2014-2020) as Head of the Management and Empowerment Division, then as Executive Board of the Sharia Economic Community (2017-present) and also serves as as Head of Real Estate and Commercial at Executive Board of the Association of  Residential and Housing Developers (HIMPERRA).

In addition, he is also active in many da’wah organizations, including the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Indonesian Muslim Entrepreneurs Network (JPMI) and  others organization

Dr. Imam Teguh Saptono

Founder & Supervisory Board

Dr. Ir. Imam Teguh Saptono, M.M. adalah seorang Doktor bidang Ekonomi dan Agribisnis ini merupakan Pakar Ekonomi Islam terkemuka yang konsisten di jalurnya, sekarang  menjabat sebagai Wakil Ketua BWI (Badan Wakaf Indonesia),  sekaligus anggota Dewan Pakar MES (Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah) dan Anggota Dewan Pertimbangan IAEI (Ikatan Ahli Ekonomi Islam).

Karir Profesional kebanyakan di sektor perbankan dengan  berbagai posisi: Bank Permata sebagai VP Corporate  Secretary (2004-2007); Bank BNI sebagai Deputy Non- Organic Growth Project (2008-2009); Bank BNI Syariah  sebagai Compliance Director Bank (2010) sampai posisi President Director (2016-2017); PT. Global Waqf Corpora (GWC) sebagai President Director (2018) dan Commissioner (2019); PT. Trihamas Finance Syariah sebagai President Director (2019-sekarang).

Aktivitas pendukung lainnya: IPB Business School, sebagai  Dosen pada Program Masters & Doctoral; Produser Film (212:  The Power of Love, Hayya 1 & 2), Pendiri TAHA Institute, dll.

Dr. Ir. Imam Teguh Saptono, M.M. is a Doctor in  Economics and Agribusiness is a prominent Islamic Economics expert who is consistent in his tracks, now  serving as Deputy Chairman of BWI (Indonesian Waqf Board), as well as a member of Expert Council of MES (Sharia Economic Community) and Member of the  Advisory Council IAEI (Islamic Economist Association).

Professional careers are mostly in banking with various  positions: Bank Permata as VP Corporate Secretary (2004-  2007); Bank BNI as Deputy Non-Organic Growth Project (2008-2009); Bank BNI Syariah as Compliance Director  Bank (2010) until President Director (2016-2017); PT.  Global Waqf Corpora (GWC) as President Director (2018)  and Commissioner (2019); PT. Trihamas Finance Syariah  as President Director (2019-until now).

Other support activities: IPB Business School, as Lecturer  in Masters & Doctoral Programs; Film Producer (212: The  Power of Love, Hayya 1 & 2), Founder TAHA Institute, etc.

Syuhelmaidi Syukur

Initiator & Chairman

Syuhelmaidi Syukur, Ak., CA. adalah seorang Chartered  Accountant (CA) lulusan STAN yang sudah berkiprah di  kemanusiaan sejak tahun 2000 di Dompet Dhuafa (DD) sebagai Chief Internal Auditor, GM Finance & Accounting, juga Representatif Manajemen untuk ISO 9001:2000. Posisi  sebagai PNS di BPKP harus ditinggalkan karena ketertarikan pada dunia sosial dan kemanusiaan.

Mulai tahun 2005, terlibat aktif mendirikan dan mengelola  beberapa NGO, antara lain ACT Foundation, Global Zakat,  Global Qurban dan Global Waqf. Juga mendirikan perkumpulan Relawan (MRI) dan Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD) Indonesia. Serta kepedulian  atas masalah kemanusiaan dunia, termasuk Palestina, Rohingya, Syam, Yaman, Somalia, Nepal dan Uyghur.

Dengan pengalaman selama 22 tahun di dunia kemanusiaan,  telah memberikan pemahaman serta pengalaman yang komprehensif bagaimana pengelola lembaga kemanusiaan  yang terpercaya. A-Z urusan lembaga kemanusiaan telah  dikelola, hingga menjadi besar, terpercaya dan handal pada masanya. Dan Harika Foundation adalah kelanjutan dari misi kemanusiaan yang tidak boleh berhenti.

Syuhelmaidi Syukur, Ak., CA. is a Chartered Accountant  (CA) holder, who graduated from STAN, started his social activities in Dompet Dhuafa (DD) since 2000 as Chief  Internal Auditor, Financial Controller and Management Representative, ISO 9001:2000. The job as a civil servant  at BPKP must be abandoned because of his interest in the  social and humanitarian world.

Since 2005, he was actively involved in establishing and  managing as a leader of several NGOs, including ACT  Foundation, Global Zakat, Global Qurban and Global Waqf. Also established a volunteer association (MRI) and the  Indonesia chapter of the Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD). As well as concern for world  humanitarian problems, including Palestine, Rohingya, Syam, Yemen, Somalia, Nepal and Uyghurs.

According to 22 years of experience in the humanitarian  world, he has a comprehensive understanding and  experiences on how to manage a trusted humanitarian  organization. A-Z about that has been managed, to become a large, trusted and reliable in its time. And Harika Foundation is a continuation of an unfinished humanitarian mission.